Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
Massachusetts CMR Information
This page contains information and links to the Massachusetts regulations regarding the implementation of the Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Briefly, in order for a retired police officer to carry a concealed weapon in accordance with the provisions of the LEOSA, they must:
1. Have been regularly employed as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 or more years before honorably separating from service either due to retirement or a service connected disability;
2. Separation may not be for mental instability;
3. Had statutory power of arrest and was engaged in or supervised the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of, or incarceration of any person for violation of law.
4. Not be under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance;
5. Not be prohibited by Federal law from receiving a firearm;
6. Possess an identification card issued by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the agency they separated from which meets the requirements of 501 CMR 13.00 STANDARDS FOR IDENTIFICATION CARDS FOR RETIRED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS.
7. Possess a LEOSA Training & Qualification Card issued pursuant to 515 CMR 6.00. This card is issued upon completion of the LEOSA training and qualification requirements and must be conducted by LEOSA certified trainers using an approved classroom and qualification course. (Note: BFS Instructor certification is separate and distinct from LEOSA Instructor certification.)
Users of this page should always refer to the applicable regulations for the most updated information available.
The Mass. CMR relating to LEOSA.
On Oct. 12, 2010 the President signed S.1132 which amends the Law Enforcement Officer's Safety Act.